Authentic Leather Aristocrat Official Low Cuts
Other TYPE
Aristocrats BRAND
Authentic leather aristocrat official low cuts
Sizes 40-46
Make sure you have full information about the seller ie contact details, location and operating hours .
Make sure the product you are about to buy meets your specification, and you have exhausted all additional information you need to know about the product before purchasing from your preferred seller.
If the seller or vendor fails to deliver your package within the agreed duration and there is no further communication or arrangement made between the seller/vendor and buyer. The buyer has the right to request for return of his or her cash within 72hrs and the seller or vendor has to comply with same duration.
As a buyer once your package is received check to make sure that: the package is sealed properly and has not been opened in any way , then confirm that it is the product that you purchased and in good condition as specified by the vendor or seller.
If the product received is not as you (buyer) specified to the seller on this platform you should return the product to the seller within 7 days for refund or for your specified product. NOTE the product must be in the same condition as received. Upon receiving the vendor/seller shall action on the buyers request within 7 days with no delay, and if any delay beyond 7 days without any NOTICE to the buyer or to Misa Vendors support team the seller shall be penalized.
Misa Vendors will ensure that there is complete confidentiality of the buyer information ie payments information between the seller/vendor to ensure the buyer's information is secure and no one who can access the information.
Misa Vendors will ensure there is purchase protection by ensuring there is secure transaction, fraud prevention, sellers in the platform are verified by Misa Vendors support team and also Authenticity of the products sold by all sellers/vendors.
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